Ashley Castro

Project Manager, Talent Management
Location: Kansas City, Missouri
Team member since: 2023

"It's like I have been able to marry together my new experience of product and project management with my previous life in banking. I couldn't plan that any better!" 

Hi, Ashley Castro. I'm a Project Manager in Talent Management and I have been with the bank for just a few months.

I had been a stay at home mom for five years and during that time I started doing product design and development with a great company. I really loved the work but I happened to come across the Commerce role. I got in touch with the recruiter and it's been amazing ever since! It is kind of funny to end upu back in banking because before I had my kids I was a consumer lender for eight years. It's like I have been able to marry together my new experience of product and project management with my previous life in banking. I couldn't plan that any better!

My interview experience really sealed the deal. Everyone was just so kind and what stood out to me the most was that I could feel the culture through the phone! It wasn't just something they read off  of a piece of paper. I could tell that everyone I had a conversation with actually lived the culture through the way they interacted with me. 

What surprised me was that everyone was awesome. I mean, I didn't expect it from EVERYONE! It makes me want to do all I can to be a part of this culture and hold myself accountable, too. I want to live our culture as often and as much as I can now. 

I feel like it's really hard to find a company who really cares about their team members and not just basic things like enough paid time off or other great benefits. It goes beyond that. It's the committment I have seen to supporting and developig team members. Its the engagement I have see with different employee resource groups. Everyone has to go to work, right?! But to be able to do it at a place where you are encouraged to be the best YOU is outstanding.